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Acropora efflorescens $99.00

Nearly the subject of lore now, the Ultimate Efflo has been yearned for, coveted, and pined for, by true sps aficionados for many years. This is the one folks. When you've made the rewarding decision to satisfy your tanks need for an Efflo, whether you know it or not yet, this is the one you want! Truly, the King of all captive Efflos, and a piece of my collection that I hold very dearly. A long way off of Gregs' original mega-monster, but thriving for me finally, nonetheless.

I've been babying this thing for almost 4 years now. The first two of which it was a sad little dormant nub, but I never gave up hope on this one, and when it finally started to show some promise I babied it even more.

I have only fragged it once, and that was for my good buddy Therman, who I'd gotten the frag from originally so I could get a positive ID on it. After all that time, I was pretty sure I had it right but wanted to be certain.

So thanks again Tim for another Ultimate super-acro. This was one I had been searching for, a long time! It was a slow crawl to get it where it is today but man, well worth the wait. This thing just oozes cool. One of those Sps I am really happy to have

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